Supported by competent and qualified as International recognized teacher
Islamic Insight in Global Minded with Local Understanding
Trilingual Languages (English, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia) applied in all aspect communication while in School or out School Activities
The First Islamic Full Day School which using STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Engnering, Arts, and Mathematics) In relation to achieving the goals of Muslim Leaderpreneurship in 5.0 Era
A Full Day Islamic School with International Standard. The Learning Approach is using 3 Curriculums of Cambridge International, The Diniyah Learning, and National Curriculum/K-13
Memorize Hadist Arba’in, Kitabul Jami’ Matan Usulul Tsalatsah, and Qowaidul Arba’
As we know that beside Al Qur’an, the secondary guidance for human life is Hadits. So here students are expected capable in memorize that hadits and the accompanying knowledge. So, students are able to apply to the real world
Be Able to Speak Both Arabic and English
We are commit as Trilingual Islamic School, the one and first Islamic Fullday School in Indonesia. Language is a bridge to success. By understanding many languages, students will have greater opportunity to conquer the world. Here students are familiarized to speak actively with English, Arabic, and Indonesia.
Be Able to Read Standard Reference
We have reference standards that are used to increase student knowledge. Based on our curriculum, which is the international standard of Cambridge and Madina, and still prioritizes K-13 standards through national references.
Memorize 5 Juz of Al-Qur’an
Al Qur’an is main guidance for human life. Each student are have to memorize 5 juz of Al Qur’an (minimum). How it could be? There will be 40 minutes in every morning just for study preparation and at this time students are doing Muroja’ah for their memorizing.
Master More Than One Extracurricular
There are many extracurricular activities available at Gistrav Islamia School – Jogja, including sunnah sports activities. Students are invited to be active in activities so that they master not only one of non-academic ability, but also various things, so that one day students will be able to survive in life.
Have Strong Commitment to Applicate the Islamic Core Value
Behave without knowledge or knowledge without behave is insufficient and wasteful. Here, students are directly invited to apply every knowledge and theory obtained while in the classroom.
Have Tons of Best Value
With facilities and infrastructure that are very representative for learning and doing self-development, this is not worth with the cost of the school delivered. Affordable costs and a financing system that prioritizes convenience is a plus in the Gistrav Islamia School – Jogja.
As Trilingual Islamic International School, alhamdulillah we have a strategic partnership with hundred schools and universities on more than 30 Countries of the world. This is a good reason us to be the best Islamic International School of Indonesia. Good International Partnership are allow for students to make a good collaboration with global society.
Gistrav Islamia School – Jogja supported by Apple Inc. to do the best academic activities for students. What’s new in the world, students will always up to date. Nowdays, the latest information technology is the primary thing that have to be owned. Each students will study with one apple tablet. No other reason, this is to born a bright Muslim Leaderpreneurship Generation.
STEAM Education is an approach based on the disciplines of Science, Technologhy, Engineering, Arts, Math. STEAM Education is implemented across the grades with the goal of providing students with a deeper understanding of important concepts through hand-on learning.
Why is STEAM Education important?
Science Will Always Developed Throughout Civilization
Between the Religion and its practice must be balanced
The Need of Resource in STEAM Understanding Are Growth